[Monday, August 09, 2004]
( PERSONS ARE GIFTS ) EVERY Persons are Gifts___________wrapped!!! Some are wrapped beautifully; they are very attractive when you first see them. Some come in ordinary wrapping paper. Others have been mishandled in the mail. Once in a while there is a special delivery!!!!! Some persons are which are very loosely wrapped , not sealed Others are tightly wrapped , pratically locked , enigmas really , almost forbidding. But the wrapping is not the gife !!!!! It is easy to make this MISTAKE....!!!!! It is very amusing when babies do it. Sometimes the gift is very easy to open. Sometimes I need others to help. Is it because some are afraid ? Maybe they have been opened before and thrown away , discarded ? Maybe such gift isn't for me , too good for me ? Maybe I'm not ready ; I'm not open ? I'm indifferent ? Maybe I don't recognize the gift , that it is for me ? I am a person............... Therefore I am a gift too. A gift to myself first of all---------God gave me TO me Have I ever really looked inside the wrapping ? Perhaps I've never accepted the gift that I am ? Could it be that there is something else inside than what I think ? Could God 's gift be anything but good ? And I am a gift to other persons ! Am I willing to be given to others ? A person for others ? Do others have to be contented with the wrapping ? Never permitted to enjoy the true me ? Every meeting of person is an exchange of gifts BUT a gift without a giver is not a gift . It is a thing of devoid of relationship to giver or reciver. Person are gifts at least Jesus thought so " Father , I want those that you have given me to be where I am " ( kenny wrote this with all his h3art of all his might )