[Monday, April 28, 2008]
Today service was on "Giving realises the Miracle of God Its so pratical yet spiritual With out a seed how are you going to grow something? With out seeds we will keep struggling with one task at hand. Because Seedless deals come only as a 1 time thing But with your fruit tree you are able to get as many fruits that your tree provides It hit me that when we get our seed we need to sow it right away for there is a time to grow a tree and a time to harvest from it. And a true priciple of God is You want something sow it to Him and he will make a way After sharing with eric ... i realise i'm still an ugly person when it comes to money and my additions ...... there are many things in my life that i am not getting the right perspective I need to rethink how I live my life how i see myself and what part does have in it God ~!*~ ~*!~ ~!*~ ~*!~