[Monday, March 09, 2009]
How i wish for it to happen but it never did
Sadly everything i do seem wrong i get discourage everyday with no flow of comfort from God i feel really DCed i seem to be damn selfish to post this but i just want to. What i get from "Home is really Plastic" What i get from my "Spiritual Home" also some what Plastic not to say that the leadership is bad or anything just that i realise i can't connect and it sucks (wait is suck a bad word hack lah kena Discipleship LOR ) ( Just Tank ) With Work Pilling up and datelines to meet i think i screwed up alot of people's job So what i do now i feel like crap because people in a way treat me like one or maybe i'm not good enough for the standard of being treated with love " Not Doing Well " I guess really I am useless to God (Matt 25:14-30) Right God i have talents i didn't Go and Make use of it so i'm NOT doing WEL. I sure will be taken away and dump one side too bad life's like that †~!*~ ~*!~† ~!*~ ~*!~