The Life.

Kenneth Lam

Human like you


The Journey


.August 2004.
.April 2005.
.May 2005.
.June 2005.
.December 2007.
.January 2008.
.February 2008.
.March 2008.
.April 2008.
.July 2008.
.August 2008.
.December 2008.
.January 2009.
.February 2009.
.March 2009.
.April 2009.
.May 2009.
.June 2009.
.July 2009.

i watch the world get by...

. Carry on .
. Grace that keeps me on. .
. the grey spot... .
. Linking the points .
. CAn You Turn away When Other people are screaming ... .
. No Longer Will i give Crap excuses!!!!! .
. Arise and Awaken.It is time for me to Arise and Aw... .
. Letting go of something good for something greater. .
. Growth come with a price. Mainly a sacrifice, i fo... .
. The Vision Made Known .

People Who Run This LifeRace...
Aaron Chua
Aaron Cheong
Beng Seet
Chek Yeow
Gabriel Lee
Jeremy Quek
Jia Yang
Jian Hong
Jian Ming
Li Yue
Miaow Guan
Michelle Cheng
Michelle Yao
Peck Hoon
Qi Wei
Valerie Cheong
Vanessa Chan
Vanessa Han
Wendy Lee
Wendy Neo
Yan Jia
Yan Rui
Yan Yun
Zhuo Xinyi

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[Monday, June 29, 2009]

Linking the points

I realise Sometime God Will Throw you a few points and Leave you hanging.

While Normal reaction will be to try to figure out what it really means i realise that it is also impossible to try to understand God fully because we are just humans.

If the humans are able to fully understand God it will make us gods but the fact is we are unable to do so.

Thus when we try to decipher God's points we find it hard to accept.

I am laughing at myself while writing this.

As i have made the same many mistakes time and time again.
I tried to be god but failed.

i end up confused and negative.

But God never gave up on me.
He took me out of the deepest seas and showed me through is grace how the points are being connected.

My recent zone camp revelation were 2 words

Arise and Awaken

I didn't know what that meant during camp but weeks went by and when i heard Pastor Joakim Sermon about being an Elizabeth Generation the Word Arise Click with it

As for Awaken i have a slight idea but This time i will not Make the same mistake But i will Move and Wait on God for his Grace to guide me again

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 1:37 AM


CAn You Turn away When Other people are screaming for help ?

Out of the abundances of our Pastors' heart their mouth spoke
that we can not let our culture be compromise and conform to that of the world

When Other people
Cut coners,
Turn thier heads and heart away,
And be Safe in thier Life Boat we got to Roll back.
As Far as we are concern.

We want to take with us as many Souls as we can.
With Us to Heaven when our time on earth ends.
We leave it knowing We pulled as many as we can.

Father Let a generation of People arise.
Let them Be People of Others,
Father not only That,
I Pray for a generation of Fathers and Mothers.
Who have Gone a Head Before us,
And for Some of us Who reach the maturity of taking up,
This burden and responsiblity.
Father I Pray you will guild them in all that they do.
As they are the ones who will be laying the next foundations.
For the next generation to build on.

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i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 1:33 AM


[Monday, June 22, 2009]

No Longer Will i give Crap excuses!!!!!

Ok i realise i was Just Ok in everything i did


Most of the Things i do is Half hearted.

Ok People.

I'm sorry i didn't give Excellent.

I won't justify Why.
Its just me.

God, i didn't honor you by giving my best.
in my life
in my work place
in Church.
in All that i Do.

I have been complacent.
I have Lost Passion.
I have Lost My Spirit.

I lost my Focus that I'm Working in this Life for YOU (God) .
I had not been responsible with what YOU given me.

I need to have excellent.
Even when no one is watch.
Hey God is Watching.

Even when i Don't Agree with it.
God even though i don't feel like it.
I am going to do it onto you.




I have talents but i need to tap it.
I call out the talents.
I call out the Spirit of excellent.

To Put my Pride Down.
Eric You were Right.
i Should have put m0re in.

I have to develop a Habit of

I have got satisfied with where i am.
I Will shake this Off Now.
I am no where Near where.
God Wants me to be at full Capacity

I Speak it Out.
I will be proactive.
I will be Excellent.
I will be Giving my all.

I will give My best because God gave me His.

This is my fight no one will fight it for me Only i can.
Then God's hand will move.

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 12:10 AM


[Friday, June 19, 2009]

Arise and Awaken.

It is time for me to Arise and Awaken all i can with in me

I will run this race with purpose in my heart.

that i will not put myself on clutches.

until the appointed time made by God

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 1:14 AM


[Friday, June 12, 2009]

Letting go of something good for something greater.

I’ve learned my lesson but still my heart is still lingering over a sour feeling of letting go it seems to me that God wanted me to be where I am.

Not only that I felt like an idiot complaining like a child and not coming to terms with what God has in mind.

My self-righteous attitude kicked in and I was over emotional about what
God has challenged me to do.

Come to think of it hey it is something better and yes I need to be more submissive to God.

What happen today I spent time with Miaow Guan someone I missed talking to.

We went to Keegan Grandfather wake and spend time with Keegan
(Funny Guy got to know him more).

We surprised Anthony and Ryan when we crashed their homes.

Hey I did ask for things like these when I dreamt to do people work.

But God was testing me to see if my heart was yielded to Him.

Disappointments are for a season; Relationships are for a lifetime.

More Can be done for them.
More Can Sown to them.
More Can Love Flow in them.
More Can Rise up in them.
More Can See visions and dreams.
More Can Run this Race.

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 2:10 AM


[Thursday, June 11, 2009]

Growth come with a price. Mainly a sacrifice, i found myself in a fixed when i had to let something go (sacrifice), i felt damn stupid and wonder why did God ask me to let go.

I remember the story about Abraham his son was the world to him and yet he was ready to let go anytime.

I am really struggling with letting go i have no idea why must I.

I feel like an idiot but still I'll let go although my heart is still sulking i will let go.

God Open up my eyes to let me see what i need to see.

Although it feels like crap increase my capacity to make my soul submit to the spirit

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 5:24 PM


[Monday, June 08, 2009]

The Vision Made Known

Pastor Bill Wilson Once Said "If People do not know Your Vision You don't have One".

I Shall now make it known Publicly My Point B Vision is to be a PTL/TL i know God has Place in me The ablities and Character To Reach it, I Now need to Work on my Spiritual Growth and Prayer Life.

Connecting to God and to the Church

It Is Possible I know the Cost And i Know i can pay for it

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 11:46 PM


If You Live Each day as if its Your Last
Someday You will be most certainly be Right

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i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 12:24 PM


[Friday, June 05, 2009]

The Chase

After AMT i didn't really want to crash my bed because i didn't wanted to waste the training that i went through.

Thus i decided to crash YYC today for their service haha....

praise and worship went on and i just moved along with the flow nothing special happen but only during the word.

When May Anne started to preach i was stirred down deeply.

As the minutes went on and the title of the sermon sink in deeply.

A sense of God presence started to fill in, before long tear stream down and a peace came with it

There the sweet Presence was calling me back, my heart started to pound on each of the words of the Sermon title

" I Will Run After God"

As i realise it was speaking down to my heart for the time during AMT it was my cry to GOD.
GOD i want you Back Fully In My Life

It is Time for me to Chase After My God.
It is Time for me to Chase After My Redeemer.
It is Time for me to Chase After The One Who First Loved Me.

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 11:48 PM


Reflection for AMT

Today i understand the power of planning during the time
i realise i wasn't living a well planed life.

Fifi quoted a quote " When you fail to Plan You Plan t0 Fail "

How much more we got to plan.

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i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 12:14 AM


[Wednesday, June 03, 2009]

Happiness is something you decide ahead of time.

whether You like the situation or not does not depends on how things work out.

It depends on How Your Mind is arrange.

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 5:06 PM


[Tuesday, June 02, 2009]

Living with Out Crutches part 3

If You Stay opens God Will bring people With You and For You.

When people are with you they are with you only when things are well for them or when you are doing well.

When people are “For You” they believe the best for you.
They give you room to make mistakes.
(Just as Pastor How and Pastor Lia Believe in young people it shows their heart For Young People)

They don’t need your attention all the time.
They Give more into the relationship. Then they take away
That the kind of people that God wants to bring in your life.
Just be your best each day and God will bring them to you.
When that season for them to leave, you don’t have to get upset.
You can Let them Leave with your blessing and continue to love and respect them.
Don’t fight Change, Noting is forever.
When you hold on to someone.
Knowing that God is done with it someone and you cling on to him/her it will be nothing but draining your energy and theirs.
God will always bring the right people But the key is you got to let the wrong ones go.
If you cling on to the wrong ones the rights ones will never come.
Sometimes People Play Up to Our weakness to try to convince us that we have to have them in our lives.
They’ll make you think, “You’re not Smart Enough”.
“You’re Not Talented Enough”.
And you need them to make up what you are lacking.
Don’t Believe those Lies.
See Though those lies they are just there to put you down and make you feel you owe them something.
When You Force yourself Out of their “ DEBT”.
They will not hang around long, They will only hang around when they are able to push you down.
Those are not True friends, They are not helping you they are hindering you.
You don’t need people in your life that are enabling a limitation.
People who are enabling a dysfunction.
If you will let them go, God will bring you the right people.
Look at Moses, When God told Moses to free the people of Egypt.
Moses Told God “ Let me Bring Aaron “ I’m not good enough in speaking.
Moses was saying (God I Need A Crutch) I need somebody to make up for my mistakes.
As Moses and Aaron stood before Pharaoh. Moses Faith Started to arise Moses Believe it was his Time to Speak and he spoke to Pharaoh. “ Let God’s People Go “
You don’t need people to tell you what to do.
You don’t need people to speak for you.
You are Equip God Has placed the abilities in YOU.
God Wouldn’t has presented the opportunity to you if he had not already given you everything that you need.
So of us today we are relying on other people to carry us.
Example (ah you suck lah) Come let me do it for you.
Don’t believe that lie
(wa piang you cannot talk to a huge crowd one you sure die) I do lash.

How do these people know What God has put inside of you are they God?
Next time that happens rise up like Moses and take a hold of FAITH. I don’t need to rely on crutches I can Do all things Through Christ who Strengthen me.
Crutches are used only when you really can not make it not when you can walk or run but feel limited when you don’t hold on to a crutch.
Its easy to become too depended on somebody else

(Example Your leader your Peers)
Hey I feel so unable that I could not do it.
God Will never Give you the desire with out giving you the abilities.
God Would not told Moses to go and set his people free unless he knew.
Moses could do it.
Some opportunities only come once.

God Has given you wisdom to run your own life.
Yes it is good To listen to our leaders and to take advice from them.
But Understand God Talks to you just as He talks to them.
You can hear that still small voice.
If somebody is telling you what to do all the time.
You can say “ Thanks but No Thanks me and God are on Speaking Terms”
Note there will be some people who feel that God told them to tell you that you should do something.
Example: You must go Africa to minister to people……. If You do Go make sure you take that person with you so he can tell you when to Come home =p.
You don’t need somebody to tell you what God wants you to do.
Another example; Someone told me to that God told him that I should marry him or her because God told him so.
There will be people like them around but they are just dumb enough to tell you

Anytime you hear that phrase God Told me to tell you. Be on guard.
You can hear God for yourself.

If You're not willing to let people to walk away.
You'll miss out on God best.

Don't be surprise that God will pull people out of your life
He’s not trying to take you backwards he preparing you to go forward.
You’re going to see break through.
You are going to be able to do things on your own.
That you never though of before.
You and God are the majority because you quit depending on others and you step into a whole new anointing.
When We put a demand on our faith it pleases God not when we sit back and expect others to Do it for us.
You don’t need anyone to make up for your weaknesses.
Don’t let people control you. God would not let them walk away if He didn’t know you could do it on your own.
Some people are With you But they are not For you the sooner you let them Go the better off you are going to be.
Quit depending on somebody else to do what you know you should be doing for yourself.
Tap on God’s Strength.
Yes this season will stretch you but you are going to discover new strengths,
talents and gifts, new friends, right people at the right time. For you

i won't deny you Recieve A Greater Understanding 1:22 AM
