[Tuesday, June 02, 2009]
Living with Out Crutches part 3
If You Stay opens God Will bring people With You and For You. When people are with you they are with you only when things are well for them or when you are doing well. When people are “For You” they believe the best for you. They give you room to make mistakes. (Just as Pastor How and Pastor Lia Believe in young people it shows their heart For Young People) They don’t need your attention all the time. They Give more into the relationship. Then they take away That the kind of people that God wants to bring in your life. Just be your best each day and God will bring them to you. When that season for them to leave, you don’t have to get upset. You can Let them Leave with your blessing and continue to love and respect them. Don’t fight Change, Noting is forever. When you hold on to someone. Knowing that God is done with it someone and you cling on to him/her it will be nothing but draining your energy and theirs. God will always bring the right people But the key is you got to let the wrong ones go. If you cling on to the wrong ones the rights ones will never come. Sometimes People Play Up to Our weakness to try to convince us that we have to have them in our lives. They’ll make you think, “You’re not Smart Enough”. “You’re Not Talented Enough”. And you need them to make up what you are lacking. Don’t Believe those Lies. See Though those lies they are just there to put you down and make you feel you owe them something. When You Force yourself Out of their “ DEBT”. They will not hang around long, They will only hang around when they are able to push you down. Those are not True friends, They are not helping you they are hindering you. You don’t need people in your life that are enabling a limitation. People who are enabling a dysfunction. If you will let them go, God will bring you the right people. Look at Moses, When God told Moses to free the people of Egypt. Moses Told God “ Let me Bring Aaron “ I’m not good enough in speaking. Moses was saying (God I Need A Crutch) I need somebody to make up for my mistakes. As Moses and Aaron stood before Pharaoh. Moses Faith Started to arise Moses Believe it was his Time to Speak and he spoke to Pharaoh. “ Let God’s People Go “ You don’t need people to tell you what to do. You don’t need people to speak for you. You are Equip God Has placed the abilities in YOU. God Wouldn’t has presented the opportunity to you if he had not already given you everything that you need. So of us today we are relying on other people to carry us. Example (ah you suck lah) Come let me do it for you. Don’t believe that lie (wa piang you cannot talk to a huge crowd one you sure die) I do lash. How do these people know What God has put inside of you are they God? Next time that happens rise up like Moses and take a hold of FAITH. I don’t need to rely on crutches I can Do all things Through Christ who Strengthen me. Crutches are used only when you really can not make it not when you can walk or run but feel limited when you don’t hold on to a crutch. Its easy to become too depended on somebody else (Example Your leader your Peers) Hey I feel so unable that I could not do it. God Will never Give you the desire with out giving you the abilities. God Would not told Moses to go and set his people free unless he knew. Moses could do it. Some opportunities only come once. God Has given you wisdom to run your own life. Yes it is good To listen to our leaders and to take advice from them. But Understand God Talks to you just as He talks to them. You can hear that still small voice. If somebody is telling you what to do all the time. You can say “ Thanks but No Thanks me and God are on Speaking Terms” Note there will be some people who feel that God told them to tell you that you should do something. Example: You must go Africa to minister to people……. If You do Go make sure you take that person with you so he can tell you when to Come home =p. You don’t need somebody to tell you what God wants you to do. Another example; Someone told me to that God told him that I should marry him or her because God told him so. There will be people like them around but they are just dumb enough to tell you xD. Anytime you hear that phrase God Told me to tell you. Be on guard. You can hear God for yourself. If You're not willing to let people to walk away. You'll miss out on God best. Don't be surprise that God will pull people out of your life He’s not trying to take you backwards he preparing you to go forward. You’re going to see break through. You are going to be able to do things on your own. That you never though of before. You and God are the majority because you quit depending on others and you step into a whole new anointing. When We put a demand on our faith it pleases God not when we sit back and expect others to Do it for us. You don’t need anyone to make up for your weaknesses. Don’t let people control you. God would not let them walk away if He didn’t know you could do it on your own. Some people are With you But they are not For you the sooner you let them Go the better off you are going to be. Quit depending on somebody else to do what you know you should be doing for yourself. Tap on God’s Strength. Yes this season will stretch you but you are going to discover new strengths, talents and gifts, new friends, right people at the right time. For you