[Monday, August 25, 2008]
Taking leadership over my will Matt 26:36~45 A strong will bring you far in life. A strong will submit to God will bring you farther. To God a heart of flame. To people a heart of Love. To myself a heart of Steel. People in the world are the opposite they are hard on people and soft on themselves Despite all circumstances if your have leadership over your mind, emotions and will you are able to execute things. Linking this to success → Matt 26:36~45 You can chose just a little more, just a little farther, and just a little longer IT is easy its not difficult all I need is a little more. Look at the Olympics games, how do they win the medal by beating someone else by a millisecond. Just a little faster, how do they win it by taking control of their will. 3 things you can never say to yourself. Impossible Cannot Difficult When you say any of these words you limit yourself and from their creativity and problem solving ability. However if you refuse “No” as an answer, you began to think too many people just want to NOT think they are afraid of people rejecting their suggestions. Not thing is impossible just find a way around it. Who said it is impossible? Why can’t it be done, What if you try another way? The handicap starts with the mind and soul. 2 Questions that is likable in HOGC What if and Why not? What is holding me back? Why not I can go university is it that difficult? No it is easy all I need is a little more hard work. Why not I be a CGL? I just need to flow more and love people more. †~!*~ ~*!~† ~!*~ ~*!~