[Sunday, August 03, 2008]
Wow finally i have completed BMT (a) I feel its so amazing that pastors take their time off just to teach us the values of a son vs a servant my heart began to break as pastors preach and i was receiving discipleship from God He said something like this " You have not flow because of your servanthood and insecurity that others were doing the job and you were not, you claim to take initiative but it was a cover-up for your insecurity rather then seeing it as a thing to glorify Me (GOD). My son every one has their place." This hit me, and my head knowledge turned to heart knowledge. I realise I had me doing thing that sabo the team and i knew this isn't from myself because i'm human. I would like to do a cover up the miniute i feel discipleship but I didn't because i knew this came from a source that is from High above. Fop 2 Aug The presence was there as soon i open my heart and let it touch me again we sang Living rain Fall again Over my life Over my Land Living rain wash my heart again Open wide heavens' skies Over my streets Your spirit resides Living rain Flood my heart again. This is the new worship song from Parachute band i know they are the coolest band although they been through life with a lot of pain they still went back to their first love. ~!*~ ~*!~